Same Day Payday Loans
Same day payday loans
Financial emergencies can appear out of nowhere. If it can’t wait till payday, you need cash today. In these situations Payday Loan can help by offering a same day payday loan. Our Payday loans are fast and hassle-free; you could borrow from $500 – $5,000.
We understand that financial emergencies are stressful, that’s why we have made our loan process as simple as possible. Simply tell us how much you need and send us your documents. We will assess your application and get back to you within the 60 minutes. You can easily work out how much you could borrow and the required repayments by using our online calculator first.
Fast online payday loan application
If you need a same day loan today, apply online for a quick and hassle free application process. Completing our online application takes approximately 5 minutes and you can send the required documents via email or fax. If approved, you can accept your loan online, no complex paper-work or long waits!
Why choose Payday Loan for a quick cash advance?
Payday Loan is one of New Zealand’s most responsible and trusted lenders. We have provided thousands of Kiwis with same day loans when they are in need of urgent cash.
As responsible lenders we ensure that our customers borrow only what they can afford, providing flexible repayments (some limits apply) and no early repayment fees. We ensure the transparency of every loan we approve; there will be no hidden costs on your loan contract.
Our loans are unsecured meaning we do not require any security. Loan applications are assessed based on a set of affordability criteria and we do not expect our customers to tie any of their personal assets to their loan contract.
Need a fast payday loan but have bad credit?
With bad credit, getting a same day loan can be difficult. You may waste a lot of time and effort applying for loans only to get denied due to your credit history. At Payday Loan we assess your current ability to repay your loan of course our responsible lending criteria must be met. If your credit history is holding you back, apply for a same day loan with Payday Loan and we may be able to help you.