Payday Loan
Quick and easy payday loans
Are you in need of an urgent payday loan? Do you need a little extra to help to pay for bills and other expenses? Whatever your need, we are here to help with our hassle free, quick payday loans. You could borrow from $500 to $5000.
Payday loans are designed to help bridge the gap between paydays. This can be helpful for those times when your car needs urgent repairs, those pressing medical bills need paying or something unexpected pops up. With us, it’s simple to apply for payday loan, just tell us how much you need and send us the required documents. We will assess your application within a quick response time.
Fast online payday loan application
Getting a payday loan is easier than ever with our 100% online application process. Our online application form takes a few minutes to complete. Send your required documents via email or fax and if approved you can accept your loan contract online and have your funds deposited. No complex paper work or long waits!
Why choose Payday Loan for your urgent cash needs?
Payday Loan is one of New Zealand’s most trusted and experienced payday lenders; we have helped thousands of kiwis during their temporary cash shortfalls. We strongly believe in responsible lending, our loans are affordable as we ensure that every individual borrows only what they can afford with no hidden costs. If you would like to pay your loan off quicker, you will not be charged any early repayment fees.
We do not require security for our payday loans. At Payday Loan, applications are assessed based on a set of affordability criteria, we do not expect our customers to tie any of their personal assets to their loan contract.
Have bad credit? We may be able to help
With bad credit, getting a loan can be extremely difficult. If you have had bad credit it in the past we could still offer you a payday loan – we will assess your current ability to repay the loan. If your credit history is holding you back, Payday Loan could be the perfect option for you of course our responsible lending criteria must be met.