Grocery shopping hacks to save you money
- June 7, 2017
Times are tough and you need to get smart to beat the odds. Groceries may account for the majority of your daily or weekly expenses, but if you manage them well, you can save a lot. Here are three grocery shopping hacks that can save you money:
Buying in bulk
If you have some space in your freezer, why not buy in bulk to save some money? This is one trick that many people use. Buy when commodities are cheaper, stock up for a whole month or week and you’ll notice the difference. You will save more compared to a person who shops for groceries on a daily basis.
When you buy in bulk you’re likely to enjoy discounts. You can also buy them at a relatively lower price, especially if you shop at a farmers market. All you have to do is ensure that your freezer is functioning well, otherwise you may risk all that food going bad. At any given time, write a list of groceries which have a longer shelf life. Buy them in bulk, store them properly and they will last you a long time. You’ll not only save through buying less, you’ll also save on fuel.
Use apps
With technology, almost anything is possible. There are apps on the market that will help you save big with your groceries. These apps will not only help in planning meals but also giving you a list of groceries stores where you can buy what you need for less.
These apps will give you information on the stores that are offering discounts on particular products and at the same time inform you on their upcoming sales. Using these apps will help you save on money as well as time as you don’t have to drive all over looking for convenient grocery stores- the information will be at your fingertips.
Take advantage of these offers and generic foods
If you don’t have enough space for storage, you can buy daily, but at grocers with discounted foods. There are items which the grocer would like to discard quickly as the expiry date is near. These foods are still safe to eat, shops only want to discard it before the expiry date to avoid losses. All that you have to do is ensure you consume them before the expiry date