Payday loans are for busy working individuals wanting a small cash loan before their next payday. It’s a fast and simple process designed with you in mind – we know that being in a tight financial situation is tough already, so we have made the application process as easy as possible. If you are in need of cash let us save your bacon with our fast cash deposit service.
Payday Loan is a successful, registered, 100% NZ owned and operated company providing cash loans to Kiwis across New Zealand.
We also offer excellent communication and support, and a confidential application process to every single customer we deal with – we have had dozens of happy clients, please read our testimonials!
- The process is entirely online based – you won’t have to deal with a lot of paperwork and there is no need to go to the bank or store – you can do it all in the convenience of your own home or office;
- The loans are unsecured – so your assets are not tied to our loan. No hard security – we provide easy cash loans to give you a helping hand in time of need;
- Cash is given at manageable amounts – being a responsible financial service provider, we will only provide a payday advance that we consider affordable for you to pay back, based on the information you provide when applying;
- There are NO hidden charges; all charges and fees are clearly outlined in Loan Contracts.
These are just some of the reasons why hundreds of Kiwis have already chosen Payday Loan for their emergency cash needs.